Sol Speech & Wellness
Mariposas en Casa
Megan Gallek
Meg Gallek is a Yoga instructor based out of North Carolina, who, like many of us, went digital in March 2020. She needed an easy way to connect with her students (that wasn't Facebook) while juggling being a parent, teacher, and nurse at the same time.
Together : Annual Fund Campaign
Amanda Chesin Photography
Mariposas Spanish School
Tatelie Unique Iron-Ons is a custom vinyl-cutout shop in Tucson, Arizona. The scope of this project was to design a logo and packaging unit.
Hyde Park Montessori
Hyde Park Montessori is a private preschool located in Central Austin. Founded in 1983, the school is rich with years of Montessori education and culture. The scope of this project was to build a modern brand identity that was true to the history of the campus.