Heart & Soul Kids Activity Center was looking to expand their program offering with a ninja/parkour program: #NinjaForce. Originally the studio had purchased the licensing for Ninja Zone but felt like the curriculum didn’t fit the needs or high expectations set by in-studio classes. They decided on the new name and handed the rest off to me!
The scope of this project included developing a secondary brand icon, t-shirt, and the launch campaign for the program. The estimated goal to fill classes to capacity was six weeks from the initial launch.
Seeing that #NinjaForce was a relatively new concept to not only the Heart & Soul studios but the kids-focused activity centers in the area, we decided to lean heavily into building brand awareness through a paid advertising campaign on social media. We also chose specific, family-oriented media outlets to share our launch and information with in the weeks ahead of the program’s launch. Internally, we targeted clients with a holiday email campaign centered around the new program.
Well… all of this hard work really paid off. The original goal for capacity was six weeks from launch and it filled in literally half that time. Every spot was spoken for three weeks ahead of the first class date! I’d like to think that our campaign did most of that, but I think the teachers and staff being just as excited as the students did too.
Hats Worn: Logo Design, Copy, Social Media Strategy